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The Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology

Family Engagment

Family Engagement at GSMST

Welcome Families!

The Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Family Engagement mission is to support families and staff, as they support their students throughout this unique and challenging experience. We will learn from each other, sharing experiences and knowledge in a diverse cultural environment, anticipating that this engagement will culminate in students achieving their best performance and academic success.

Parent Liaison

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please feel free to contact our Parent Liaison:


Photo of Patricia Ivanowsky


Patricia Ivanowski
Parent Liaison - Family Engagement
Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Our Parent Liaison will be available not only to welcome families into the school building but also to welcome them into the learning process. Through training sessions, workshops, and multiple forms of communication, parents and guardians will grow in their ability to support their students academically. 

Important Links

Family and Community Engagement Plan

Family and Community Engagement Plan (GCPS)

While your student may receive instruction during the school day, we know that a child’s first and most important teachers are parents and family members. We know you play an integral role in the education of your child, and we want to encourage and support you to be actively involved in your child’s school. We need your input, your suggestions, and your perspective to make decisions about your child’s school experience. 

Be Engaged Session

Intended for parents/guardians, "Be Engaged" is a two-hour guided tour through GSMST's website, Student Handbook, and ParentVue. Participants will be able to find the answers to common questions and, consequently, be better prepared to help their students succeed academically. If you want to participate in one of our next sessions, sign up by filling out THIS FORM!



How to Activate ParentVUE (Replaces Parent Portal)

Gwinnett County Public Schools are no longer using Parent Portal as the platform for parents to access their student’s information such as schedule, grades, attendance, emergency information, etc. From now on, parents will need to use ParentVUE. If you have questions about how to reset your password and transition to the new platform, please CLICK HERE. If you have never accessed Parent Portal or have not accessed it in a long time, you can use the same instructions to access ParentVUE if the school has your email on file.

Instructions for downloading the ParentVUE Mobile App in English / Chinese / Korean / Spanish / Vietnamese

Video: How to check attendance in ParentVUE (English)




ParentSquare provides a safe way for district administrators, school principals, teachers, staff, and parents to receive and send information, such as: 

  • Weather-related closings & delays  
  • School and class information 
  • Share pictures and files 
  • See calendar items 
  • Upcoming class activities 


eCLASS - The official GCPS student portal.

Free and Reduced School Lunch

Free and Reduced Lunch Application

5 Reasons for Completing Free & Reduced Applications

One Meal Application Affects Many Areas

1. Free or reduced meal prices for healthy, nutritious student meals.

2. Additional funding for technology and internet access.

3. Discounts for fees associated with the college application process.

4. Discounted fees for SAT, ACT, and AP exams along with scholarship opportunities.

5. Increased funding to support student education.

Email Address Update

To add or update the email address in our system, parents/guardians need to present themselves at the school in person, showing our registrar a legal identification document.

Residence Address Changes or Lease Renewals

All residence address changes or lease agreement renewals must be notified to the school within 30 days. The school will need to receive a copy of the following documents:

  • Current lease contract OR

  • Current declaration page of the homeowner's insurance policy OR

  • Current year's tax bill AND

  • Current utility bill (gas, water, or electricity) AND

  • Copy of parent/guardian ID

These documents can be emailed to or brought to the counseling office by the student.

Infinite Insight Newsletter

The Infinite Insight Family Newsletter is one of the most essential forms of communication between our school and families. Student’s parents/guardians receive it by email every first day of the month from August until May. (The newsletter is sent to parent email addresses on file - no sign-up is necessary).

Click here for the Summer Newsletter (PDF)

Community Resources

Latin American Association

Chinese Cultural School in Atlanta

English Classes for Adults / English / Chinese / Korean / Spanish / Vietnamese

Computer Classes at the Gwinnett County Public Library


GSMST welcomes parent volunteers. If you are currently a GSMST student's parent/guardian or grandparent and wish to be contacted by the Parent Liaison for volunteer opportunities, please fill out THIS FORM.

Social Media

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

You can connect with our Partnership Program on Linkdin.