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The Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology



GSMST students will be allowed access to and services of the clinic. Clinic personnel supervise the administration of medications, assess health care needs, and administer emergency first aid when appropriate. When students become ill or injured during the day, they should report immediately to the teacher and request a pass to the clinic. Clinic personnel will contact parents as situations require.

Clinic Cards

Should the need arise to treat your child in the clinic it is imperative that parents complete a Clinic Card at the beginning of school. It must include current address and phone number, medical conditions, emergency numbers, and a valid parent signature. If changes occur during the year, parents should notify the Clinic. A Clinic Card must be on file before students are allowed to check out.

When to Keep Your Child Home:

  • Fever of 100.4 degrees with symptoms
  • Nausea, recurring vomiting, diarrhea or abdominal pain
  • Sore throat
  • Persistent cough
  • Red inflamed or discharging eyes
  • Any open sore oozing fluid or pus
  • Rash with fever or signs of illness
  • Suspected impetigo, lice or scabies that is not being treated
  • Earache
  • Any other unusual signs or symptoms of illness


Clinic Contact Information

If you have any questions about these procedures,
please call the clinic at 678-518-6700.


Over the Counter Medications

Administering over the counter medications at school is discouraged.  

Students may not have over the counter medications in their possession and may not share medications of any kind with fellow students.

If a student must have an over the counter medication in order to attend school, the parent/guardian must furnish a written request for the school to supervise administration of the medication. This request must include the student’s name, name of the medication, dose and time to be administered. Medication must be kept in the clinic in the original container. If the medication is to be administered for more than one day, a Medication Request Form must be completed.

Prescription Medications

Taking medications during school hours is discouraged. Parents are asked to arrange medication schedules so that it is not necessary for medication to be taken at school. If the treating physician prescribes administration of medication at school, the parent must complete the Administration of Medication Request and return it to the school. The information on the form must be the same as that on the prescription container label. GSMST will not accept medication sent to school in a baggie or any container other than the container provided by the pharmacy. If medications must be given over a period of time, the Administration of Medication Request must be updated yearly. Students may not have prescription medications in their possession or share these medications with others.

A student who has asthma may possess, and is permitted to self-administer, asthma medication prescribed for him/her by their physician. The student will be allowed to self-administer asthma medication while at school, at a school sponsored activity, while under the supervision of school personnel, or during, before, or after school care on school operated property. Contact clinic personnel in order to obtain the forms required for self-administration of asthma medication.