GSMST Infinity Cafe
Thank you for supporting our School Nutrition Program! Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Students will now pay for meals based on their individual student eligibility. Therefore, we strongly encourage parents to complete the Free and Reduced-Price Meal Application. Confirmed eligibility establishes a number of benefits for individual students, such as free or discounted college admissions tests, AP exams, and college applications; scholarship opportunities; and no- and low-cost access to technology and internet plans. In addition, the percentages of qualifying students at a school are used as a measure to secure additional federal funding (Title I) to support students and their education, promote family engagement, and provide additional technology and internet access. Title I funds pay for additional teachers, Parent Centers, additional learning opportunities for students, extra resources, added technology, and more.
Haresh Patel
GSMST School Nutrition Manager
This Institution is an equal opportunity provider.